SenseNet and iez! Partner to Provide AI-Based Early Wildfire Detection Solution to Prevent Wildfires in Brazil

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enseNet, a global leader in early wildfire detection, protection and management, and iez! Telecom, a leading supplier of telecommunications infrastructure in Brazil announced a partnership today that provides a groundbreaking AI-based solution to detect and prevent wildfires, particularly in large areas of vegetation throughout Brazil.   

This partnership marks a global benchmark in the prevention and management of wildfires, as SenseNet’s accurate and immediate wildfire detection solution will be powered by the advanced connectivity network provided by iez!. In Canada, the SenseNet system uses Rogers’ 5G national telecommunications network to provide ultra early wildfire detection to prevent wildfires to ensure a significant reduction in environmental and property damage in the more than two dozen communities where it is being deployed.

With a MESH communication network supported by an advanced private network deployed by iez!, SenseNet’s technological solutions operate with the advanced integration of AI, high-precision long-range cameras and ground sensors with multiple layers of detection, such as changes in gases, temperature and humidity in the environment, providing data on initial forest fire outbreaks to predict and detect smoke signals – even at the smouldering stage – in less than a minute. 


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